Please join Oculus and our Information Security specialist partner – Cyber Audit Team for a non-technical, engaging, informative and interactive event.
As well as developing a greater appreciation for the #1 SME/NFP business threat, every attendee will leave with an enhanced understanding of:-
- Myth Busters – Top 10 Cybersecurity Myths busted in less than 5 minutes.
- Why Cybersecurity/Information Security is not an IT or Technology issue – Understand why you can’t simply rely on your IT Manager/Provider to protect you and your company – and why doing so, may potentially expose you and your business to greater risk, non-compliance, accusations of negligence/ ignorance/complacency and potential litigation or class actions.
- Time to change the culture – According to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) over 90% of all breaches are as a result of some form of human error.
- Organised Crime – Why has it shifted its focus to small and medium enterprises, where the profits are greater and the risks of being caught are much lower.
- The Anatomy of a Cyber Attack – When you understand that initially, it’s not a human that identifies vulnerabilities in your company, but sophisticated software, you’ll understand why every business, regardless of size or industry is vulnerable.
- Legislation that you can’t ignore – Notifiable Data Breaches (NDB) Legislation and European Union General Data Protection Legislation (EU GDPR) and how it applies to you and your business.
- What constitutes a Notifiable Data Breach? – Not all data breaches are as a result of getting ‘hacked’. Over 90% of all data breaches involve some form of human error and over 60% of all breaches are from insider threats.
- How to Protect your Business – Simple and practical methods that will reduce the likelihood of security breaches, significant financial loss, brand and reputational damage, client attrition, loss of valuable business data, and having confidential company information exposed to competitors, hackers and cyber criminals.
Who Should Attend?
Businesspeople who want to better understand the most relevant Cybersecurity and Information Security topics to ensure they have the knowledge and expertise to make more informed decisions and better manage their whole of business risk.
About our Speaker
Damian Seaton is the Managing Director of Cyber Audit Team and Executive Committee member of the Australian Information Security Association (AISA), the peak body for the Information Security and Cybersecurity profession in Australia, where he is responsible for educating and advising Business owners, Executives and Boards on Information Security and Cybersecurity. Damian is also a graduate of Queensland University of Technology (QUT), with an Executive Masters of Business Administration.
Demonstrating 30 years’ experience across Cybersecurity, Information Security, Data Protection & Privacy, Digital Forensics, Governance, Risk and Compliance, Criminal Psychology, Law Enforcement and Intelligence Services, Damian has previously worked with and advised organisations such as the British, American and Australian governments, ASIC, ATO, ACCC, CDPP, AFP, Tier 1 banks, Insurance companies, NFPs, CPA Australia, Financial Practices, multinationals, and SMEs.
With Cyber Crime the #1 threat to all business globally, Damian is passionate and focused on working with and educating SMEs and NFPs, sharing his skills, knowledge and experience so they have the same opportunities to protect their businesses as larger organisations, whilst delivering appropriate and cost-effective solutions that ensure his clients and their businesses are operating in a safe, secure and compliant Information Security environment.
His presentations are widely acknowledged, by various organisations, as being one of the most engaging, informative and educational cybersecurity presentations that you will see. “Damian will engage you, enlighten you and might even scare you – although that is certainly not his intention. As Damian explains, the great news is that all breaches and attacks are preventable through education, training and proactive action!”