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- Trusted Gold Coast Accountants
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- Business Packages
- Xero Accountant Gold Coast Set Up Experts
- Hospitality Accountants for Gold Coast Businesses
- The certified Xero accountants Gold Coast businesses need
- Terms of engagement
- Accessing documents through FYI Docs
- Hospitality accounting for Gold Coast businesses
- What to look for in a business accountant Tweed Heads professional
- Protecting Yourself from Scammers: A Comprehensive Guide to Prevention
- Cost of living increases put pressure on small businesses
- Electronic File Management with Xero Accounting Software
- Can I Claim a Donation on My Taxes in Australia?
- Strategies for business growth
- Understanding Two-Factor Authentication
- What is the best accounting system for my business?
- The Choice – Cash or Accrual Accounting
- Understanding the Difference Between an Accountant and a Bookkeeper
- Understanding the Difference Between Equity and Assets
Blog Posts
- Australian Budget 2025–2026: Key Takeaways
- What’s new in Xero 2025
- Understanding the Difference Between PAYG Withholding and PAYG Installments
- Key Accounting Considerations for February: Stay Ahead with Oculus Group
- Electronic Storage for Seamless File Management
- Time for a break - Holiday Closure Notice
- Key Tax Considerations for Business Christmas Celebrations
- How can I improve my cash flow?
- Understanding the Difference Between a Business Activity Statement (BAS) and an Instalment Activity Statement (IAS)
- Options for Filing Tax Returns in Australia - Accountant versus do-it-yourself
- Big Brother is Watching: How the ATO Targets Rental Property Owners
- The Difference Between Share Investing and Share Trading
- Simplify Your EOFY with Expert Help and Xero Software
- Business Owners: Prepare for Changes Starting July 1
- Tax Cuts Coming Soon for Every Australian Taxpayer!
- Prepare for Tax time
- Understanding Your Financial Statements
- Shred It or File It?
- Why Xero is our preferred accounting software solution
- Big Four Banks vs. Smaller Banks in Australia
- The Australian Paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave Law
- Xero launches Gen AI driven search
- What can a landlord claim on their taxes?
- Key Tax Considerations for Business Christmas Celebrations
- The Oculus Top 5 Accounting Tips to get you through Christmas
- How is your financial health?
- myGov Accounts Being Hacked
- Single Touch Payroll 101
- Benefits of Xero over other accounting packages
- Making Business Money Private
- Rising inflation in Australia
- We've all heard the stats about businesses
- New financial year updates
- Monitoring the vital signs of your business
- How tax laws apply to cryptocurrency assets
- FAQ's: Car Deductions
- How to: Create a small business budget using Xero accountants Gold Coast
- 'Super' step when new employees nominate a super fund
- Australian Government initiatives - August 2021
- If you are a SME affected by the COVID-19 NSW restrictions, we are here to help.
- Why Oculus Group are your go-to Northern New South Wales accountants this tax time
- Why Should Oculus Group be Your Gold Coast Accountants
- Your go-to cash flow management accountant Gold Coast team
- Making the Most of Christmas Spendings
- Oculus Group | Your Tweed Head Financial Advisor
- Who are the winners and losers of the 2020 Federal Budget?
- Landmark decision regarding casual employees
- JobKeeper Payment - Are you eligible?
- Vicki Edgar joins Oculus, reuniting the dream team!
- Natasha Faux joins the team
- Oculus Finance has grown!
- 7 Common Start-up Mistakes that a Business Accountant can Help you Avoid
- Compulsary Superannuation
- The Importance of Succession & Business Planning
- Tax Planning Simplified: Oculus Financial Services Present a New Way to Look at Your Taxes
- Our Financial Planner Tweed Heads For Grandparents
- Tax Minimisation Gold Coast Residents Need to Know About
- Oculus Group Provides Financial Services Gold Coast Residents & Business Owners Need
- Business Planning Coolangatta: 7 Common Mistakes to Avoid
- The Benefits of Financial Planning Gold Coast Residents Can’t Afford to Miss
- How to Find the Best Financial Advisor Gold Coast Wide
- 5 Reasons to Make Oculus Group Your Coolangatta Accountants
- Business Planning Gold Coast: 5 Things You Should Know When Buying a Business
- Business Advice Gold Coast: 5 Signs That Your Company Has Cash Flow Problems
- Retirement Planning Gold Coast
- Gold Coast Financial Advisor that can Help you with your Self-Managed Super Fund
- A Tweed Heads Financial Advisor Can Make Retirement Possible
- Have You Talked to Your Tax Accountant About Employment Termination Payments?
- Gold Coast Accountants Can Help You Manage Your Super Obligations as an Employer
- Two Big Changes Affecting the Financial Services Industry in 2018
- Single Touch Payroll
- Business Bookkeeping: What It Is and Why You Should Be Doing It
- Financial Planning Gold Coast and Beyond: Saving for a Comfortable Future
- The Going Concern Exemption: Business Advice that Could Save You Money
- Six tips for improving your credit management and cash flow in 2018
- Gold Coast Expert Accountants - Taxation of Employment Termination Payments (ETPs)
- We scored a feature in Tweed Daily News!
- We were featured in My Business!
- Getting the Most out of Your Gold Coast Accountant
- Avoiding common property investment mistakes
- Claiming deductions for your property’s depreciation
- What happens to your super upon returning to work
- Using a corporate trustee for your SMSF
- Key pension issues for SMSFs
- Your breakeven point
- How your office environment can impact productivity
- Getting started on social media
- Maximise your word-of-mouth marketing
- Stop networking and start building
- Selling your business GST-free
- Delivering quality customer service
- Make Cash Flow your 2016 Resolution
- Signing a personal guarantee
- Is a company merger your ideal exit strategy?
- Surviving the ATO crackdown
- Be careful of automatic renewals in contracts
- Using LinkedIn for B2B marketing
- Make meetings count
- Make innovation part of your company culture
- Creating a new role in your business
- Pinterest: an underutilised opportunity for businesses
- Improving your sales pitch
- Securing the future of your family business
- Keeping the taxman out of your Christmas hamper
- Don't Blow Your FBT Limits this Christmas
- Treating employees as contractors
- Meeting your super obligations
- Getting your GST right
- Avoiding rental claim errors
- Guide to successful business borrowing
- Tips before guaranteeing a partner's loan
- Action plan for low rates
- Property Depreciation
- SMSF Property Gearing Risk
- Maximising the value of your business
- Super Stream
- Make your workplace a productive environment
- A guide to CGT concessions
- Get on top of your record keeping
- Make sure that fringe benefits are beneficial
- Managing your cash flow
- Business resolutions for the start of the new financial year
- Identifying customer needs
- Keeping up with business strategies
- A memorable tagline will take you a long way
- Budgeting for growth
- Improving your online reviews
- Improve your in-house communication
- Boost workplace productivity
- Improving your team's skillset
- Don't let size hold you back
- 5 things that will make or break your business's Christmas
- Staying under the limit this Christmas
- New penalties for SMSF's
- Keeping it in the family: Succession Planning
- Aged Care Reform
- Work Test for over 65's
- Retirement & Super Planning 2014
- Changes to PAYG withholding cycles
- Improving decision making
- Collecting customer feedback
- Learning to Delegate
- Adjusting to higher FBT
- Changes to card payments
- Office Productivity
- Wage subsidies for older employees
- A guide to performance reviews
- Key ingredients of a business plan
- Correctly terminating an employee
- A guide to warnings in the workplace
- How to hire the right employee
- Ending paper statements
- Choosing the age to retire
- Estate planning for the future
- Splitting superannuation
- What is Stronger Super?
- Adding Children to Superfunds
- Managing DIY superfund in retirement
- ATO Scam
- Congratulations
- Getting ready for MySuper
- Marketing trends of 2013
- Fair Work Amendment Act 2013
- Keeping employee records
- New Protocol to tackle late payments
- Getting Customers to Settle Debts
- Borrowing Money from your Business
- It is not easy being a boss
- When it comes to choice, less is more
- Play it safe - put it in writing
- Building a Brand
- Deliver Customer Service
- ATO releases compliance targets for 2013-14
- New fuel tax credit rates
- Contractor or employee? Increased ATO focus
- The top 5 issues holding back your Business
- Superannuation changes ahead
- Testamentary Trusts and Estate Planning
- New Rules for SMSF Trustees
- Business Interruption Insurance
- Attracting Return Customers
- Year End Tips for Property Owners
- Time to start thinking about tax time
- Improving the Integrity of the Tax System
- Home Business Tax Deductions
- Year End Tips For Business Owners
- Swan Song? 2014 Federal Budget Update
- Maximising travel exense claims
- Investing in property with a SMSF
- ATO Debt collection options
- FBT myths & opportunities
- The first wave of the Australian Baby Boomer generation turns 65 this year
- Is the tax office coming for you?
- The Real Cost of Aged Care
- Strengthen your business - plan for risk
- Tax deductions in an SMSF
- Extra funds to help ATO
- Are you taking advantage of budget incentives?
- Ensure you are maximising your property expenses
- ATO focusing on tax cheats - Don't get caught
- 2013: The year ahead
- Contractor reporting - Are you affected?
- Retirement Village or Aged Care?
- The Growing Importance of Aged Care
- Pink Ribbon Bowling Challenge
- Buying a business: More than just the sale price
- Enhancing business productivity
- Increased director obligations
- Deadline looms for super top up
- How do you know if your business is in strife?
- Business Ladies just miss out
- What is the PPS register?
- Updates to small business benchmarks
- What’s the difference between price and value?
- The importance of estate planning
- Oculus hits Hollywood
- Super or property?
- Property and SMSF: loosening the rules
- What is your positioning strategy?
- Making use of tablet technology
- Inspiring speech delivered by Bob Ansett
- Understanding employment contracts
- Asset protection - a family affair
- Innovate with experiential marketing
- Good leadership - defined
- Applying the pyramid to your business
- All the best Bianca & Bill on your special day
- How happy are your employees?
- Why hire gen Y?
- Welcome Cassidy
- A year for wealth protection
- Social Media: the good the bad and the ugly
- Oculus. Worlds best accountant! Well according to Google's search engine
- Selling your business? What you need to know about Capital Gains Tax
- Are you considering selling your business?
- Preparing for the rollercoaster ride
- Oculus welcomes Emma as the newly appointed Client Services Assistant
- When is the right time to implement a more efficient business structure?
- John Hurd celebrates 18 years of Business Excellence
- Oculus welcomes new team members Jo and John
- The World's Best Accountant Right Here?
- 6 steps to building the ultimate team
- Congratulations Claes
- Super & Property - Beware of the Rules
- Superannuation: Borrowing within your SMSF
- Facebook for Business: Our 70 year old client is on facebook - are you?
- The Changes to Super
- Year End Check list
- Too Much Super
- Year End Strategies For Property Owners
- It's a GIRL!
- Oculus achieves GreenBizCheck Silver Certification
- Don't Get Caught By FBT
- Jenny Dallinger Nominated for Leadership Award
- Learn Smarter Ways to Invest
- Oculus Supports Local Business Development
- New Additions to the Team
- Oculus Sponsors GC Young Entrepreneur Awards 2010
- Look before you leap - do a feasibility study
- When to get a business partner - four things you should consider
- Protect what's important
- Flip Your Thinking
- Income protection explained
- Trauma insurance explained
- Life cover explained
- Claim travel expenses correctly
- Mine or yours? Taking cash out of and into your business
- Stay cautious on the economy
- Plan or perish
- Self Managed Superannuation Seminar
- Congratulations Sue - 25 Years of Service
- 10 things you MUST do before the end of the finanical year!
- CGT concessions for small business - record keeping
- Concessional Contributions Cap 2010
- Medicare Levy 2010
- Minimum Pension Payments 2010
- New Industrial Relations Rules
- R&D Tax Credit - Exposure Draft Legislation
- Workplace Health & Safety
- Fair Work Act FACT– Yes it does apply to your business!
- Small Business Superannuation
- Investment Allowance traps
- How much is my business worth?
- The Millionaire Next Door
- Using Tax Variations to Improve Cash Flow
- 10 secrets to a winning business
- Is good cash flow management enough to save your business?
- Creating customer loyalty
- Avoiding the perils of partnership
- Using Search Engines To Increase Your Business
- To survive, diversify
- Working with family and friends
- Disputes - a fact of business life
- Getting the courage to make cold calls
- Marketing that makes money
- Turning business failure into success
- Division 7A updates
- ATO losses in the spotlight
- Review your PAYG Instalment rate
- Green light for investment allowance
- Protect your intellectual property
- Time for some contingency planning
- Develop an ethics policy
- 2009 Budget - Age pension increase
- 2009 Budget - Closely held trusts and TFN Withholding
- 2009 Budget - Employee share scheme
- 2009 Budget - Small Business CGT concessions
- 2009 Budget - Taxation of Special Disability Trusts
- 2009 Budget - Business Losses
- 2009 Budget - Income Tax Exemptions for Australians overseas
- 2009 Budget - PAYG Instalments relief
- 2009 Budget - Reduction of concessional contribution cap
- 2009 Budget - Small business tax break
- 2009 Budget - Increased Medicare levy threshold
- 2009 Budget - Tax Cuts in 2009
- 2009 Budget - Minimum pension relief
- 2009 Budget - Managed Investment Trusts
- 2009 Budget - First Home Owners Grant
- 2009 Budget - Private Health Insurance Rebate
- 2009 Budget - Reform of family payments
- 2009 Budget - Commonwealth Seniors Health Card
- 2009 Budget - New carer supplement
- 2009 Budget - Paid Parental Leave
- 2009 Budget - Income tested aged care fees
- 2009 Budget - Pension taper rate
- 2009 Budget - New pension supplement
- 2009 Budget - Increase in govenment support pension
- 2009 Budget - Pension Bonus Scheme
- 2009 Budget - Government co-contribution reduction
- Government $900 package
- Protection in Times of Uncertainty
- Fair Work Action Plan
- Fair Work Bill
- ATO Warning
- Building a Brand
- New Years Resolution
- Raising Small Business Finance
- Staff training can transform your business
- Preparing Effective Proposals
- Growing Your Business
- Corporate identity fraud